Constant care
My thoughts were "I only needed expensive creams and Botulinum toxins to prevent and reduce wrinkles... and maybe fillers to get rid of deep wrinkles, to make my lips look nicer, and correct the shape and bring back volume to my face... " I didn't think I needed facials then I saw first aging signs in my early 30s
How wrong was I
Even if we prevent or reduce wrinkles or put back volume, which makes us feel more confident and look younger, the quality of our skin condition does not changes and the skin aging processes is not stopping so, at least once every 4 weeks we have to have facials to get a glowing healthy skin.
Expensive creams. We don't need expensive creams as usually we are paying for the brand name. So, don't waste money. Even cheaper creams can make a change. The most attention we have to pay while choosing creams are sun protection factor, our skin type (dry, oily, sensitive or combinatiin of both oily and dry) and skin concerns (acne, eczema, redness, sensitivity, wrinkles, etc).
I often hear that people claim they take oral vitamins or even callogen for a better health and look. Oral supplements need to be taken consistently and for prolonged periods of time to have a noticeable effect. Plus, they can get pretty expensive depending on the vitamin and the quantity. Water-soluble vitamins like vitamins B and C, for example, are large molecules which can’t pass through your intestines directly into the bloodstream. And so, when oral supplements make their way through the gut, in order to be absorbed by the body they have to be broken down into smaller particles. By the time the vitamins and nutrients have been broken down and are ready to be used by the body, they may not be delivering the dosage listed on the packaging.
Vitamin shots allows the nutrients to bypass the micronisation process as they are administered directly into the bloodstream. This means that a much higher percentage of the nutrients are utilised by the body. Vitamin shots are very simple to administer and can help to both hydrate your body and deliver more vitamins and nutrients than oral vitamins.
So, even if you think that beauty and aesthetic treatments are pricy, think again... How much money you spend for expensive creams, and supliments before you find the right once or before you start actually see or feel the result?
If you need help choosing the right products or treatments, talk to your beautitian/aesthetician, but my 5 Top facials are:
Top 1 - PRP Vampire facial
Top 2 - RF facial (Radio Frequency)
Top 3 - 3 point Facial
Top 4 - Chemical peel
Top 5 - Dermaplaining
And of course vitamin once a month.