PRP Nappage - Mesotherapy - Hair growth restoration

PRP Nappage

The Nappage technique involves performing multiple superficial injections only 2mm deep every 2-4mm. I use your plasma as the best and 100% natural product to treat your skin and hair.

Skin mesotherapy

This highly effective rejuvenating treatment provides deep hydration, toning benefits and cell regeneration.


  • Experience firmer, radiant, youthful and glowing skin immediately after the treatment

  • Tone and tighten sagging skin

  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Rid areas of ‘orange peel’ like skin

One-off treatments are extremely popular for special occasions for instant glowing skin radiance and giving an amazing base to apply make-up. A series of 3-5 weekly treatments is advised to achieve completion of the mesotherapy properties to gain the maximum improvements.

After this, monthly treatments are recommended to maintain smoother, healthy and hydrated skin.

Hair growth restoration

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a novel procedure that helps with healing throughout the body – to potentially reverse hair loss and grow new hair. You'll need to complete a series of four to six treatments to achieve real PRP hair treatment results, and you'll be able to enjoy new hair growth for about 18 to 24 months. Because PRP is not permanent, touch-up treatments are recommended once a year.


  • Skin conditions and diseases including: Scalp skin cancer, existing or uncured.

  • Steroid therapy, dermatological diseases affecting the scalp (i.e. Porphyria), blood disorders and platelet abnormalities, anticoagulation therapy (i.e. Warfarin).

  • Do not have PRP treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Nappage - Mesotherapy technique, 2022, Doncaster